Sunday, December 1, 2019

Whats your job outlook 10 careers that are on the up

Whats yur job outlook 10 careers that are on the up Whats your job outlook? 10 careers that are on the upPosted March 8, 2013, by Molly Wiltshire-BridleAs Fairfax axes nearly 2000 jobs, Pacific Brands ceases its Australian manufacturing division and REDgroup closes the books on Borders and Angus Robertson, theres one question weighing on everyones mind Is my job safe?The Australian governments Job Outlook initiative aims to find out. By compiling data on the employment characteristics, trends and prospects for over 350 individual occupations, it provides the information you need to make an informed decision about your career path. To help you make sense of it all, weve put together a list of 10 jobs currently projected to grow very strongly over the coming years.Things certainly arent looking sketchy for this lot. Digital creatives are in high demand, with 15 per cent job growth in the past two years alone.Job titles Graphic designer, illustrator, multimedia designer, web designerP sychologistIt seems that modern day pressures are taking their toll, with the psychology profession picked to experience extremely strong growth by 2016-17. Job titles Clinical psychologist, educational psychologist, organisational psychologist, psychotherapist, psychologistCheck out our courses in psychology and mental healthFitness instructorWere becoming more and more body conscious (or perhaps our waistlines are just expanding at an unprecedented rate) either way, the fitnessindustry is kicking butt. Job titles Fitness instructor, personal trainer, gym class instructor, fitness programmerGet physical with a course in fitness Nursing support and personal care workerThe national shortages across nursingand aged carehave been widely publicised, and with several government incentives now in place, the industry is expected to grow strongly. Job titles Hospital orderly, nursing support worker, personal care assistant, therapy aide, aged care assistant, enrolled nurseBeing a health professional with a course in nursing or allied health.General managerBusinesses of every shape and size require effective, efficient and well-informed leadership, so you can bet that the bigwigs are here to stay. Job titles General manager, chief executive officer, office manager, operations managerBuild your skills with a course in management or leadership.Veterinary nurseOur love of all things cute and furry continues to fuel the animal care industry. For all the times when Fido is feeling under the weather, veterinary nurses step into the fray. Job titles Veterinary nurse, animal care attendant, wildlife animal carerTurn your passion for animals into a career with a course in veterinary nursing or animal care.Welfare support workerSo long as we continue to encounter bumps in the road in matters of emotional, recreational, health, housing and financial wellbeing, welfare workers will remain in steady demand. Job titles Community worker, social worker, disabilities services o fficer, family support worker, parole or probation officer, residential care officer, youth workerMake a difference with a course in social work, community services, community development or youth work. Mining engineerAs far as job outlook goes, this occupation is a veritable goldmine. Job growth has skyrocketed a massive 46.4 per cent over the past five years and is positioned to continue in the same vein.Job titles Mining engineer, petroleum engineer, mine managerDiscover our sortiment of engineering courses todayHuman resource professionalHiring and firing is a given throughout every employment sector, so secure yourself a job in the business of other peoples jobs. Job titles Human resource adviser, recruitment consultant, workplace relations adviserThink a career in HR is for you? Start with a human resources course.ICT managerWeve come a long way since floppy disks and dial up Internet, and jobs in ITand project managementare here to stay growing. Job titles Chief informatio n officer, ICT project manager, ICT managerSee our related courses in information technology and project management.Other jobs expected to grow stronglyMarketing professionalPharmacistArchitect and landscape architectBeauty therapistChild carerNutritionistIf your occupation has made our shortlist, congratulations You can breathe easy. For a more extensive employment forecast, remember to visit the Job Outlook website. Improve your job outlook with one of our many online qualifications ResourcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice AdministratorPopular Career Searcheshigh paying jobs australia no experiencefuture jobs 2030job outlook for teachersfuture jobs in demand 2017 australiahighest paying graduate jobs australia CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationE nquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire OnlineMolly Wiltshire-BridleRelated ArticlesBrowse moreFuture trendsThe Future Of Work 4 Trends To Look Out ForTeleporting to work, robotic colleagues and holographic boardroom presentations is this what the future of work will look like? 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